About Us
Conservation | Collaboration | capacity
Working with partners is at the core of NCDEA's success. Our employee members bring their knowledge and experience as conservation district employees to many discussions about programs, policies, and procedures with state and federal officials including the National Association of Conservation Districts, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and various U.S Department of Agriculture councils and committees.

Our Story
NCDEA is a proud partner of the National Conservation Partnership (NCP), which is a commitment of collaboration by the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), National Association of Resource Conservation & Development Councils (NARC&DC), National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and NCDEA. A stated purpose of the NCP is to coordinate interagency delivery of conservation assistance to private landowners, communities, and others to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation's natural resources.
Considerable leadership and working resources have been committed to NCP's most comprehensive undertaking to date, the National Conservation Planning Partnership (NCPP). Established in 2015, the purpose of the NCPP is to reinvigorate conservation planning as the foundation for voluntary conservation delivery.
Looking to the future, NCDEA will continue to advocate for conservation district employees nationwide; focusing on ways to promote and inspire their professional development, while encouraging them to be involved on state, regional, and national levels in an effort to assist them in delivering sound, effective, local conservation assistance.